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Performing Sea lion made by Lehmann,Germany. EPL # 445.
EUR 348,00Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
Sea lion made by Lehmann,Brandenburg. The sea lion is made of tinplate with a wind-up mecanism. Made between 1899 and 1935.EPL # 445. Working perfect and in a good to very good condition. . Size: L= 19 cm/7,5 inch. Literatur: Heike Köhler/Katharina Kreschel: Vom störischen Esel zum Kletteraffen Tom. Brandenburger Museumshefte 6, Brandenburg an der Havel 2007; Jürgen & Marianne Clieslik: Ein Jahrhundert Blechspielzeug, München 1981. Helmut Schwarz/Marion Faber: Bewegte Zeiten/Moving Times. Ernst Paul Lehmann-Patentwerk. Geschichte einer Spielwarenfabrik/History on a Toy Factory, Hrsg. Museen der Stadt Nürnberg 2003.

Fernand Martin delivery boy."le petit livreur" Blechspielzeug.
EUR 1.290,00Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
6 3/4"(17 cm)Fernand Martin delivery boy tin wind up toy. The toy is clothed in striped pants and blue jacket. These toys were produced between 1878 and 1930 in Paris, France. The company was known for creating amusing figures. The tin litho is in very fine condition as is the outfit. Literatur: Fernand Martin, Toymaker in Paris 1878 - 1912 English edition ISBN 9789082200508. Literatur: Frederic Marchand: L'historie des jouets Martin, Paris 1987.

Tom the climbing monkey by Lehmann. EPL # 385.
EUR 180,00Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
Tom the climbing monkey by Lehmann, Germany ca 1910. This is the early type with a green flocked jacket.Toy monkey, tinplate / paint, made by E.P. Lehmann, Germany, 1910-1920 A multicoloured tin toy monkey wearing a yellow shirt with a red collar and red buttons, a black bow tie, a green criss cross tail coat with a red fez and red pants. His hands and feet are joined together.A string goes trough body and tail and the moneky "climbs".Literature: Heike Köhler og Katharina Kreschel,Von Störischer Esel zum Kletteraffen Tom.Brandenburger Museumshefte 6,Brandenburg an der Havel 2007. Helmut Schwarz og Marion Faber, Moving Times,Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk, History on a Toy Factory, Toy Museum Nürnberg 2003.

"Schweinereiter" from Stock Firma, Germany .
EUR 1.280,00Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
"Schweinereiter" from Stock Firma, Germany A wind up toy. Butcher and pig.Made about 1915.Working perfect.The condition like mint. Provinance Sammlung Schulte-Kellinghaus, who also wrote a book about the Stock toys,l

Balky Mule made by Lehmann ,Germany.EPL #425.Clown.
EUR 875,00Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
Stubborn Donkey or Balky Mule from Lehmann,Brandenburg. A very good tin plate toy from Germany made ca 1920.Epl # 425Very good original condition.Wind up toy. Clown driving a carrriage with a donkey. Size H.15 cm L. 19 cm / 5"x 7 1/2".Litteratur:See Heike Köhler og Katharina Kreschel,Von Störischer Esel zum Kletteraffen Tom.Brandenburger Museumshefte 6,Brandenburg an der Havel 2007. Jürgen & Marianne Clieslik,Ein Jahrhundert Blechspielzeug,München 1981. Helmut Schwarz og Marion Faber,Moving Times,Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk,,History on a Toy Factory,Toy Museum Nürnberg 2003.

Mechanical frog .Handpainted mechanical tin toy fra 20-ties. Günthermann,Germany.
EUR 545,00Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
Mechanical Frog.Handpainted mechanical tin toy fra 20-ties. Günthermann,Germany. When wind up the wings move. Functions very well. All original. Excellent condition.

Lehmann,Tinplate gun.EPL# 735.
EUR 200,00Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
Gun or machine gun from Lehmann,Germany.EMGEH. Made by tinplate from 1915 to 1938.EPL 735.Good condition,with all the part intact. H= 15 cm/6 inch.H= 8 cm/3,2 inch. Literatur: Heike Köhler/Katharina Kreschel: Vom störrischen Esel zum Kletteraffen Tom. Brandenburger Museumshefte 6, Brandenburg an der Havel 2007; Jürgen & Marianne Clieslik: Ein Jahrhundert Blechspielzeug, München 1981; Helmut Schwarz/Marion Faber: Bewegte Zeiten/Moving Times. Ernst Paul Lehmann-Patentwerk. Geschichte einer Spielwarenfabrik/History on a Toy Factory, Hrsg. Museen der Stadt Nürnberg 2003.

Motor made by Einfalt,Germany.
EUR 270,00Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
Motor in tinplate made by Einfalt,Germany in the 30-ties.The litho is in a very fine shape . Wind up.Do not work quite perfect.L=19 cm/7,5