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Rock and Graner kitchen.
EUR 2.300,00Category: Antique Dollhouses, Roomboxes and Shops
Rock and Graner called "Rauchfang küche" Germany 1850- 1860. This large tin kitchen is very rare. It comes with the original contents. Great colours. It has the waterpump added at the side (Still working). The Kitchen is handpainted.Minor paint loss, the has come with the age. All original.Original contents. Open sotve. Ppts and pans.( doll not included) Small cubboard in the traditional Rock and Graner painting. It is German from 1870-maybe before. You find it decribed in "Vergessenes Blechspielzeug" and "Biberracher Blechspielzeug". This is a museums piece. Size Wide 44 cm / 17,3" and add an extra 4"for the waterpump at the side) . Deep 20 cm/ 8", High 27 cm/ 10,3" Tin dollhouse-roombox

French Wind-Up Organ Grinder Toy.France. 1909
EUR 1.600,00Category: Antique Tinplate Mechanical Toy Figures
French Wind-Up Organ Grinder Toy from 1909. Antique toy, lithographed tin organ box with hand-painted composition head, wire and metal body with fabric clothing, and two felt black hats (these possibly later). 9” / 23 cm tall. Diamond-shaped logo to side panel stamped “Paris/S.I.J.I.M.”. With key. Head swiveling action and music box both functional. See F.Marchand,L''''Historie des Jouets Martin,Paris 1987.