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Kategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
Beautiful bisque gentleman dollhouse doll. Charming cafe-au-laitmoddelled hair and moustache.bisque lower limps. Nice original woolen black suit w. white shirt.For this size he is lovely and detailled painted. For the medium size dollhouse.Very good condition. About 1890.Size 6 1/2" ( 16 cm)
Gentleman w. moustache
EUR: 395,00Kategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
Beautiful bisque gentleman dollhouse doll. Charming cafe-au-laitmoddelled hair and moustache.bisque lower limps. Nice original woolen black suit w. white shirt.For this size he is lovely and detailled painted. For the medium size dollhouse.Very good condition. About 1890.Size 6 1/2" ( 16 cm)
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