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Schneegas parlorset.
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
Schneegas Germany 4 pieces Parlorset: Sofa with 2 matching chairs and cherrywood table. About 1880. Beautiful decor pressed into the wood. Sofa and chairs uppolstered in maroon velvet.This furniture is also known as golden oak. Lengh of sofa 16cm/6,25". H. of seat 4cm/1,34" Perfect condition. Do email me for further photos and questions!Take a look of the further Schneegas furniture for the parlorroom..
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Schneegas Piano
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
Antique Schneegas Piano . This wonderful upright soft brown colored piano is well made and has a rich quality to the wood. The piano cover lifts to reveal a keyboard that has depressible keys. A mirror above the keyboard has a nicely scalloped frame. The turned supports under the keyboard and turned feet are all intact. It measures: 5 3/8"h.x 4 1/2"w. Do email me for furter questions!
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Art Nouveau ormolu chair made by Erhard & Sohne
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Beautiful Art Nouveau ormolu chair made by Erhard & Sohne ormolu chair with wonderful art nouveau decoration all over.1880. No dent.Very bright and clear!. Art nouveau pattern. A chair, which is beautiful as a single chair or as decor in a room.Lovely with Biedermeier furniture. H. 3 1/2"/ 9 cm. Very rare to find. Medium size dollhouse. Beautiful details. Lovely Jugendstil. Erhard und Söhne or Märklin. Very nice condition. The ormolu is strong and brilliant!
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Ormolu Gong
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Gong. Ormolu. A very nice piece with nice ornamented frame and the gildet gong in the middle. Lovely for the dining room. Very fine for medium-small size dollhouse Giltet metal.For the dollhouse mansion, this ormolu Dinner Gong will call your guests to the dining room for their dinner. Unusual to find the original hammers with these. Measures: 2-7/8" T Victorian. about 1880. Excellent condition.
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Märklin stove
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
A very good solid tin white handpainted tin Maerklin Stowe. ca 1880. Shown in the Maerklin catalouge. Cream white painted with brick structure, Filigran work. Wonderful Mærklin craftmanshift.With golden door to open Medium size dollhouse. All original. Minimal signs of wear to the handpainted surface. Beautiful details. About 1880. Perfect condition. MEDIUM SIZE dollhouse. A lovely piece for your European dollhouse or room.All original and great condition. size 12 cm /4"
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Soft metal sofa 1860
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
Wonderful early biedermeiersofa.From the same period as the Rock and Graner furniture. Soft metal upholstered in red velvet. Great condition. These pieces are from the same period as the Rock and graner-or eve earlier. I would say ca 1840-50 Medium dollhouse size. Scroll down to contact me for more info.
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Biedermeier Salon-und Schlafzimmer-Set, zehnteilig. Um 1860
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
Dieses sehr seltene frühe Biedermeier-Ensemble aus den 1860-er Jahren wurde in Deutschland hergestellt. Es ist – in dieser Vielzahl der Stücke – wirklich nur sehr selten zu finden – und das auch noch in diesen kleinen Maßen. Es sind 10 Einzelstücke: Eine Sofa, 4 rotgepolsterte Stühle mit original Dresdner Papier, ein quadratischer Esstisch, ein runder Salontisch, ein Bett, ein Waschtisch, ein Nacht Tisch Keine Reparaturen, alles im Originalzustand. Maße: Quadratischer Tisch: H. 6 cm, Sofa: L. 11 cm, Bett: L. 11 cm, Stuhlhöhe: H. 7,5 cm, Runder Tisch: H. 6,5 cm Waschtisch:H. 12, 5 cm, Der Preis gilt für das ganze Ensemble, das in einem exzellenten Zustand ist.
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Rock and Graner parlor set
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
Parlor set made by Rock and Graner ca 1850.Very rare set. This is a very nice set of tin furniture from this famous company. The condition is very good. There are small parts of paint loss, but nothing major. The set is for the medium size dollhouse.Do email me for further information and photos.The price is for the whole set. Take a look in the book "Biberracher Blechspielzeug"
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