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Schneegas wall clock.
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
A rare wall clock made by Schneegas, Cherrywood. ( also described as golden oak) pretty honey coloured rare clock for the medium size dollhouse.Pendulumswinging. Mirror at the back. Nice original clock and pendulum. Originalmirror.. ( it was a little dificult to show the details trough the glass, but do email me for more information) Very nice carving. with nice details. All original and in excellent condition. SIZE cm H. 4” W. 1,8” / 10 cm. w. 4,5 cm
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Biedermeier chairs, green
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
Set of 4 Biedermeier chairs.Ca 1870. Wonderful upholstered in green silk. Great condition all over. Each has the original golden paper trimmed arround the seat. H. 3 1/2"Lovely for the dining room or for the parlor room ! Price for the set of 4 chairs I have a green sofa in the matching color for sale.Empire , Boulle style, Waltershausen, Germany.
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Gilted Umbrella stand
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
2 3/4" (6,8 cm)A wonderful gilted soft metal Umbrella stand! Made ca 1880. Lovely ornamented details.Shell formed base. A rare seen item. Figurine-cherup- in the middle. Great mint condition! Comes with 4 diffrent canes (Umbrella)
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2 1/4" mantel clock, glass dome.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Tin Mantel clock on wooden base with original glass dome. Ca 1880. Very fine conditin. All original.2 1/4" ( 4,75 cm)
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Antique miniature Sewing basket.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Floor standing sewing basket made of soft metal painted gold, hand-sewn fabric storage pouch. With a pair of scissors etc. Germany ca 1880. Good condition Size 8 cm/ 3,1". Nice for the parlor or the maids room. Comes with sewing utensils.
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Ormolu coal hod
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Ormolu gilted metal coal shuttle for the very elegant dollhouse.Measurements: 2 1/2"h.x 2 1/2"long ( 6,5 cm x 6,5 cm) A great item for the fireplace! This ormolu coal hod has impressed designs throughout the container and is mounted on a base. A rope-like handle provides an easy way to lift the coal hod. Very good ormolu accessory from about 1880. Wonderful condition.
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Round pewter Stowe 1880. Smaller scale
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Round pewter coal oven. A lovely item for the room ca 1880.Fine in a Gottschalk or Hacker house This is rare, because the original top is intact. A lovely item fort he smaller German dollhouse.Wonderful ornamented in a great condition."Kanonenofen"
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Bristol dollhouse the set
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenzubehör, Kleidung, Accessoires, vor 1900
Lovely rare beautiful early biedermeier bristol glass teaset. Miniature Very delicate. It comes with its original box with tray.6 cups, plates. spoons, pot, sugerbowl. A rare set with lovely decoration from ca 1840. Wonderful for a large dollhouse or as accessoires for an early doll.So pretty and in great condition. A rare original set.So delicate for an early doll.
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