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Gottschalk Bedroom 5 pieces.
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
OUTSTANDING complete Gottschalk BEDROOM W. ORIGINAL BEDDINGS.Scale 1 (see the messurments below! This 5 piece set is absolutely MINT! German 1890. The color, the style the decoration. is so wonderful. It gives me association to Wiener Werkstatte. All pieces of furniture are decorated in brown and black colours.. What a beautiful work! It has two pretty beds with soft purple bedcovers with art nouveau decoration. Two nightstands with working door and drawers. The cupboard has a mirror in the middle, doors to open. All pieces with original pewter handles. All items are made of solid wood! Dimensions: Beds: h. 2 1/2" x L.6"x D. 3 1/4" Cupboard: H. 6"x W. 4 1/4" x D. 2" Bedstands: H. 4"x W. 1 3/4" x D. 1 1/4" Do not hesitate to contact me for further information!
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Swedish Art nouveau doll cabinet ca 1880
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenhäuser, Stuben, Küchen, Läden
Wonderful large Swedish Dollcabinett/Dollhouse. Swedish dollhouse from 1880. Original all over. 3 story, 6 rooms all with windows and doors between the rooms. Original painting,lovely drapes, carpets and wallpapers in beatutiful design comes with the house. Glass wooden front and windows, freeblown.. Two drawers. Totally unrestored.All brass handles and locks are original. Higly decorative. High 2 meters/ 80 inches. A large house with great possibilities for decoration. Also a house, that will fit into your home without being too "dolly" Ask for more photos. This is the kind of houses, that were produced in Sweden and Holland.
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Ormolu Jugendstil Mirror/ console
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
A Wonderful ormolu Jugendstil Mirror/ console.About 1890. This is such a pretty piece of furniture, that you can use in your rooms or in your dollhouse hall. It is bright golden, has the origional mirror. No dent or discollouring to the gold! This is a pretty and very rare mirror with console and it is real "jugenstil"! No restoration. Evarything original. Will be fine in a medium seize dollhouse 1:10, But would also be geat in the hallway in a 1:12 dollhouse. Do email me fur further questions!
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Shoeshine box, Märklin. Doll accessory.
VerkauftKategorie: Küchen-Zubehör und -Möbel
Shoeshine box, Märklin, Germany.Ca 1900. Brown metal with the German title "Wischzeug" painted in black on the front. The box contains brushes, cloth, so your dolls shoes will be really clean.Larger scale.Everything origional and in great condition! A lovely set. Size 2 1/2" /7 cm wide.
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Tea for two-lovely Pewter tea set
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Lovely for the tea party! This dollhouse pewter tea set has 2 cups,2 sauces and a teapot with lid, suger bowl and cream can.Lovely decoration. The teapot is 1"tall. All pieces are in very nice condition.Germany Circa 1900.
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Kleiner goldener Medizin-Wandschrank für die Puppenstube mit schönem Inhalt.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Kleiner Jugendstil-Medizin-Wandschrank für die Puppenstube. Der Schrank ist aus goldbemaltem Zinn hergestellt. Tür zum Ôffnen. Im Schrank sind 6 Medizingläser und Gaze. Größe:h. 7 cm x 3,9 cm cm. Hergestellt in Deutschland um 1890. Sehr guter Zustand.
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Tiny Gilted hourglass the dollhouse. Working. ca 1900
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
I have never seen this item before Rare hourglass for the dollhouse which is actually working! Only 1 tall( 2,75 cm) is this wonderful accessory. Germany ca 1900. Sehr schön erhalten.
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Schuco Dancing figure. Tanzfigur
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes figürliches Blechspielzeug
12 cm /5" Schuco wind up figure..Monkey dancing with a mouse.A wind up toy.Original clothes.very good condition. Made in US Zone,Germany about 1955.Size: H= 12 cm (5 inch). A very nice old mechanical tin toy in excellent condition!.
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