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Very rare Biedermeier "tip table"1870
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
Very rare Biedermeier "tip table". This lovely table stands on a tripod made of brass.Srencilled. Lovely in the parlo room. A very rare and decorative item.Has been in my own collection for 18 years. I have never seen a boulletable like this before. The conditon is very good! Germany, Walershausen ca 1870.It is rareto find a "tip table in Biedermeier or Boulle,. All original. Size 9 cm high x 9 cm in Diameter. / 3 1/2" x 31/2" A lovely and rare table.
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All-Bisque sitting dollhouse boy
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
Cute small All-Bisque sitting dollhouse boy with a modeled shirt. The molded curly blonde hair is just lovely.Made in Germany ca 1900 The blue eyes are lovely painted. His shirt is in soft pastel blue color. He is a little like the piano dolls-just much smaller. Will be lovely in your dollhouse. Very fine condition all over! Size 5,5 cm/2 /4"
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20"Armand Marseille DEP doll
VerkauftKategorie: Antike deutsche Porzellankopfpuppen vor 1930
20"Armand Narseille #370 doll. This is a lovely shoulderhead doll on jointed kid body with excellet bisque head with large brown sleeping eyes. Her complexsion is so lovely. She is on her original German jointed kid body with lower bisque arms.Her wig and pate is original. She is marked AM2 DEP (for export) number 370 and Armand Marseille,made in Germany. She has no chips or repairs. The bisque in in a very nice quality. She is dressed in a soft pink dress, that is old from ca 1925-30. So she would sure benifit a lot with a beautiful dress-but I will sell er as I got her from a private Scandinavian estate. Size 50 cm/ 20"
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Celluloid doll 35cm, Italy.
VerkauftKategorie: Alte Puppen nach 1930; Celluloid, Kunststoff
Celluloid doll 35cm. A lovely italian doll in perfect condition. Inset blue eyes. marked at the back. Everything original! Celluloid in pefect condition. Dressed with the old clothes. Size 35 cm /13,5"
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Large teenager/lady doll from ca 1950
VerkauftKategorie: Alte Puppen nach 1930; Celluloid, Kunststoff
Large 44 cm / 17,6" teenager/lady doll from ca 1950 with inset blue eyes, dark wig, jointed at head arm, legs and even WRIST! She is wearing her original outfit from the 50-ties, including underwear She is in perfect condition all over. I am not quite sure of her orign-she may be from Italy or America. If you know, I would be happy to know!
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Baby doll from the 50-ties.
VerkauftKategorie: Alte Puppen nach 1930; Celluloid, Kunststoff
Cute baby doll from the 50-ties. Made in plastic. Very good condition all over. Inset eyes. Movable head. Marked on the back "made in Japan" Size 17 cm cm / 6,8"" Great condition all over.
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"Dare Devil"LEHMANN. EPL 752. Deutschland. Zebrawagen, Blech lithogr., Spiralfederwerk intakt, guter Zustvi752, Zebrawagen, Blech lithogr., Spiralfederwerk intakt, guter Zust.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes figürliches Blechspielzeug
"Dare Devil" Zebrawagen von Lehmann. EPL #752, Blech lithogr., Spiralfederwerk intakt, guter Zustand. Rare mechanical tinplate toy made for the American market. Black man driving a carriage with a zebra. A very good tin plate toy from Germany made ca 1920.Epl # 752 Very good original condition.Wind up. Black toy.Tin Toy. Size H.15 cm L. 19 cm / 5"x 7 1/2"
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Charming -all-bisque Googlie doll
VerkauftKategorie: Antike deutsche Porzellankopfpuppen vor 1930
Googlie-all-bisque doll with large brown eyes looking to the site.Germany ca 1920. Inlaligo painted eyes and closed moth. Molded blond hair. Shoes and stockings painted. Lovely made in all bisque. She has a tiny imperfection to the right of her upper lag. Otherwise in pristine condition. Size 20 cm/8"
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