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Schweitzer dollhouse pram/carriage
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Schweitzer dollhouse pram/carriage. Wonderful filigran pewter work with lovely "sun deck".Pewter soft metal. Ca 15 cm High x 15 cm wide (6"x 6"). For medium size dollhouse, or as doll accessoires. About 1880. Perfect condition.
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DKW classic German car
VerkauftKategorie: Alte Autos nach 1950
DKW classic German car Great original colors. L. 23 cm from about 1955 made in Japan.Working with friction. Very good original condition all over.Very nice tin plate toy! L.23 cm / 9"
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Großer Passagier-Dampfer "Leviathan" von der Firma Bing um 1920.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Blechspielzeug: Autos, Schiffe, Motorräder, Flugzeuge
Großer Passagier-Dampfer “Leviathan" von der Firma Bing um 1920. Das große Schiff ist aus lackiertem Blech in rot und weiß mit Uhrwerkantrieb. Das Schiff hat zwei Schrauben sowie drei Schornsteine, Rettungsboote, Masten und eine deutsche Fahne. Guter Zustand und gute Funktion. Altersbedingte Spielspuren. Länge 39 cm. Deutschland um 1920. Literatur: Richard T. Claus,Toys Ships,American and European nautical Toys from the 19th and 20th centuries. Antique Collectors Club.UK 2005. Jacques Milet and Robert Forbes, Toy Boats, 1870-1955, New York 1979.
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VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Blechspielzeug: Autos, Schiffe, Motorräder, Flugzeuge
A riverboatmade by Kellermann,Germany.The boat is with clockwork(not working),The condition isacceptable,but the deck is faded from the sun .Made about 1926.Tin Toy. Size=9 inch/23 cm
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23"Armand Marseille doll
VerkauftKategorie: Antike deutsche Porzellankopfpuppen vor 1930
23"Armand Marseille doll # 390 marked A 12 M ,blue brown sleep eyes with painted upper and lower lashes, beautiful outlined lips, original light brunette human hair wig, pate and mint bisque. She is wearing her old cotton print dress, old undies She is on her original fully jointed body with original finish. Absolutely beautiful and a great size. Two finger repaired on her hands-otherwise excellent!
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Umbrella for a bisque doll 13"
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenzubehör, Kleidung, Accessoires, vor 1900
Lovely silk antique Parasole/ Umbrella for a bisque doll 13"high. Made of silk with handle and finishing in carved bamboo.The fabric in excellent condition! Ca 1880. Wonderfil working condition. Would be nice for a bisque doll about 16-17".French or German.
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Tin kitchen rag, German
VerkauftKategorie: Küchen-Zubehör und -Möbel
Tin kitchen rag, Germany ca 1900. this kitchen rag or holder for different kitchen towels us a typical German accessory for the pre war kitchen, where the girls were educated to be good housewifes -also during playing with their dollhouses. The rag has room for 4 towels: glases, dishes, flatware and hands. Whitepainted tin with blue decor. All original. Probaly Bing company
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Biedermeier Boy in lovely outfit ca 1850
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
Very rare molded dollhouse biedermeier boy in lovely outfit ca 1850. This adorable biedermeier boy came to me from a private Danish estate together with his aunts and sister, that you will also find under dollhouse dolls. they are all from the same estate. He has a real character face, that you seldom see on dolls from this period. Lovely molded hair, deep molded facial features. He is on a fabric body with porcelain,bisque lower limbs. Molded flat shoes, He is wearing his original antique "seeman´s outfit" that was common in that period for boys. for boys. Everything original. A bit dusty-but just so extraordinary! Take a close look at the pictures! A n outstanding old doll! Size H. 1o cm /4"
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