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An elegant lady with bent arms for the doll house
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
A Lady with elegance and -is what I thing this lovely lady with her bent bisque arm shows!A great bisque doll probably from Simon and Halbig This is such a lovely example of a small doll! Wonderful painted, flawless bisque -and hewig is just incredible Closed mouth, lovely detailed painted face. The bisque is very fine-which is aso rare to dolls in this size. She has bisque lower limbs, painted shoes. Is lovely dressed in her all original antique silk dress. Lovely underwear. Tiny split to the inside og her little 430 finger on the right hand- She is 15 cm /6". This little woman would be lovely in your dollhouse.Made in Germany ca 1880.
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Graceful lady bisque dollhousedoll
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
Lovely graceful lady bisque doll from Simon and Halbig with painted eyes! This is such a lovely example of a and elegant! Wonderful painted, flawless bisque -and her wig is just incredible Closed mouth, lovely detailed painted face. The bisque is very fine-which is aso rare to dolls in this size. She has bisque lower limbs,bent arms painted shoes. Is lovely dressed in her all original antique cotton dress She is only 11 cm /4". This little woman would be lovely in your dollhouse.Made in Germany ca 1880.
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Antique dollhouse Officer in Uniform
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
7 1/2" 18 cm.Nice young officer in fine blue uniform and helmet. This is a blond soldier with molded hair and a molded mustache His excellent painted facial features are exceptional. He is wearing an outstanding uniform in blue, with gold threads and a great helmet. A sword is hanging from his belt. He has long black boots. He would be great for a good doll house. Everything original and antique and in great condition. Rare to find a soldier in such a perfect antique original uniform.He is 18 cm tall /7"+ hat. Made in Germany ca 1880
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17""Character baby doll
VerkauftKategorie: Antike deutsche Porzellankopfpuppen vor 1930
17""Character baby, beautiful blue sleep eyes with painted upper and lower lashes, two upper teeth,lovely dimbles! original auburn brown mohair wig and mint bisque.He wears his darling two-piece dress, is on his fabulous original body with original finish. He is one of the most beautiful Heubach's ever!!!! An absolute STUNNER!!!
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Tekno firecar with axes
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Blechspielzeug: Autos, Schiffe, Motorräder, Flugzeuge
Tekno firecar .A tinplate car from the Danish Comany Tekno. Made of tinplate, showing one of the 5 different firecars. A very nice toy in a brightcolor. This is the axt car-one of a serie of 5 firecars. I do have other models on stock. Near mint condition.
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Hausser/Elastolin military car
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Blechspielzeug: Autos, Schiffe, Motorräder, Flugzeuge
Hausser/Elastolin military car from the 30-ties. This is not complete.From the -ties, men Size.27 cm /12"
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Schuco toy-Clown with mouse.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes figürliches Blechspielzeug
!2 cm/ 4 1/2" Schuco toy. Wind up mechanical toy.The clown is dancing with a mouse. Clockwork. Fine movement.Original key.Original felt clothes. Fine original condition. Germany prewar.Size 12 cm/4/2"Schuco Tanzfigur.
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Rare antique uniqe Biedermeier furniture,11 pieces 1850
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
This parlor set is absolute unique.It comes with a sofa and 7 chairs and a round table and 2 sidebords- all with cabriofole legs. It is made by Rock an Graner- This set is the early rare cardboard Rock and Graner furniture. . Stained to simulate wood. With lovely decoration. Take a look at the second picture, when you click the title. It is upholstered in blue grey silk. It must have been made around 1850- 60 to see on the provenance that came with it, that contains a photo with the other furniture from this period, which can be dated. It is lovely with cabriofole legs and lovely dateils Could be Dresdner paper. The table has repair to one leg. The size of the sofa is H. 6 1/4" (17 cm) L. 7"( 18 cm) The condition is very good, Has been under glass in a Scandinavian estate. The price is for 11 pieces Please email me if you would like more information and additional picture on this lovely and rare set.Empire.
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