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Golden Chandelier with Putti
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
12 cm Lovely Golden Chandelier with Putti. Bristol glass shades. Germany ca 1880. Lovely dollhouse accessory.
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Ormolu pocket watch with holder
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
1 1/2"(4 cm) high is this rare Ormolu pocket watch on holder. Victorian ca 1880. You can take the watch from the holder.The watch face is enemal, the back is ormolu with a nice pattern. Perfeckt bright condition all over! Lovely for the gentlemans nighttable for his pocket watch!
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Antique Grandfather dollhouse doll
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
Grandfather dollhouse doll-Wonderful detailed molded old man with character face-dressed in housecoat and striped trousers. Wonderful original condition all over. Germany 1890Size 12 cm / 4 3/4"
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Frühes aufziehbares Karussell, hergestellt von Doll, Deutschland.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes figürliches Blechspielzeug

Frühes Karussell, hergestellt ca. 1910 von der deutschen Firma Doll. Aufziehbar, in wunderschönen Farben. Wenn es aufgezogen wird, dreht es sich und es erklingt eine „Pling-Plong“-Melodie. Handgemalter Schriftzug „Merry-go-round“. Wunderschöne Kinderfiguren. Sehr schönes frühes Blechspielzeug in sehr gutem Zustand. Höhe: 35,5 cm.
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Bing Ford Car.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Blechspielzeug: Autos, Schiffe, Motorräder, Flugzeuge
10 cm/4"H is this classical Ford made by Bing Germany. A very good tin plate car in an excellent condition. Clockwork. And with a lady driver! Ca 1920.
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Antique Bisque Kestner character doll mold 260.
VerkauftKategorie: Antike deutsche Porzellankopfpuppen vor 1930
This antique Kestner character doll has the mold # 260. A lovely babydoll with excellent bisque on the original kestner body with the left arm bent.Original auburn wig, lovely sleep eyes- dressed in baby outfit. He is stamped on his head and on the body too. This lovely doll comes from a private estate.Size 60 cm.( 23, 5") A fine doll for your collection of character dolls.
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Kämmer & Rheinhardt mold 116a
VerkauftKategorie: Antike deutsche Porzellankopfpuppen vor 1930
This is a rare and outstanding character doll from Kämmer & Rheinhardt mold 116a. ca 1910. Her bisque is flawless, lovely face, that you cannot resist.Open/closed mouth.She has her original auburn wig, lovely blue eyes, dimples. She is on her original ball-jointet Kämmer and Rheinhardt body, which is in extraordinary good quality. She wears her original cotton dress, underwear and shoes-and even comes with a wardrobe: a lovely white laze dress, a coat, a hat, underwear, and a nightgown. She is from a private estate-and comes in a box, that the owners kept her in sinece their childhood.
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Dollhouse man driver, molded hat
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
Dollhouse man driver/chauffoer with molded decorated grey hat. This is a good dollhouse man, dressed as a driver in black suit with cape-painted gloves, long boots and molded hat. Painted long boots. Fine original condition. Size
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