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Rock and Graner Flowerstand/table
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
Rock and Graner Flowerstand or occasional table. Lovely tin plate table with fine filligree top around the top and 3 legs-This grain-painted table is German ca 1860. The condition is like mint Biberach, Germany. Size H. 2" / 5 cm.
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Large car from Hans Eberl,Germany.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Blechspielzeug: Autos, Schiffe, Motorräder, Flugzeuge
Large tin plate car from Hans Eberl (EBO) Germany. A wind up (clockwork) car from about 1920 with driver and 2 door to open.The car is in good condition and working perfect. L=12 inch/32 cm. You can find the car in manufactory cataloque from 1924: Der Universal Spielwaren Katalog,p.49. Blechauto.Hans Eberl.
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Tekno gas stove ca 1930
VerkauftKategorie: Puppenstuben-möbel und Zubehör nach 1920
Tekno gas stove ca 1930.Tinplate. Lovely litogrphrafed in red and white. Made by the Danish company "tekno". A search after scandinavian item. Fine for Triang and Lundby dollhouses.
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Antique pram, tinplate Puppenwagen ca 1930
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenzubehör, Kleidung, Accessoires, nach 1920
Lovely tinplate pram for the doll or dollhouse . Made ca 1930. Nice historical item. Fine for a Käte Kruse doll. Dollhousec carriage, Puppenwagen. All original. very nice condition. A lovely Art deco item.
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Tinplate pram for the doll or dollhouse
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Lovely tinplate pram for the doll or dollhouse . Made ca 1930. Nice historical item. Fine for a Käte Kruse doll. Dollhousec carriage, Puppenwagen. All original. very nice condition. A lovely Art deco item.
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Lovely wooden Musicbox
VerkauftKategorie: Puppenautomaten und Spieldosen
Lovely wooden Musicbox from ca 1900.made in Schwitzerland. Plays 4 lovely melodys, when wound up. It is a wooden box. The sound is perfect. And the condition just fine all over!
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Early rare puzzle from ca 1870
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Spiele
A lovely early rare puzzle from ca 1870 in a fantastic good condition. The original box contains wooden blox and 5 pictures+ one on the cover. Chromlithograped military scenes. Wonderful condition all over.
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Dinky car
VerkauftKategorie: Alte Modellautos: Tekno, Lego, Gorki und Figuren
Dinky car. Very nice diecast toy in very good condition. Modelauto.Advertising car.
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