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Rock and Graner sofa and chair.
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
Rare Rock and Graner set from 1870- unusual set made of cardboard, legs of the chair are metal. Upholstered in maroon velvet. L. 7" H.3 1/2" Chair high 4". Very rare to find.
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Biedermeier chinahead dollhousedoll. 1850
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
16,5 cm/6 1/2" Rare early Biedermeier china head dollhouse doll. 1840-50. Extraordinary and exquisite Biedermeier China head doll, narrow lovely detailed face with lovely painting-beautiful eyes and mouth, long slender neck and lovely shoulder plate. She has beautifully painted features, a human hair wig in an lovely style, and is on a cloth body with graceful china arms and flat china feet with black painted shoes. Her dress is antique. A perfect and rare doll for the early dollhouse
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Fan fashion accessoriy
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
4 cm /1 1/2" Antique Lovely purple fan made of wood. carved 3-dimensional. Fine as accessory for a larger dollhouse or a fashiondoll.
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Antique Housekeeper dollhouse doll, bisque ca 1890
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
Antique Housekeeper dollhouse doll, bisque ca 1890. Original clothes apron with keyring at the side to take care of the inventory of the house. Fine bisque,molded hair in a knot. Size 12 cm /5"
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Excellent Antique miniature Empire Parlor set ca 1850 .5 p.
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
Antique miniature parlor set . Biedermeier ca 1850. For the small scale house. Fine original condition. Upholstered in dark maroon. The set has a sofa, 4 chairs and a round table. Brown stained wood.High of chair ca 6 cm /2 1/10" RARE to find size. Outstanding.
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Antique doll house picture w. frame dived in 3.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Puppenstuben-Zubehör
Antique doll house picture w. frame dived in 3. Wonderful filigree frame in great condition! Wit a wooden back. A rae and lovely printing great condition! more to come.
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Schuco Motorbike,Mirakomot.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Blechspielzeug: Autos, Schiffe, Motorräder, Flugzeuge
Vintage SCHUCO motorbike,MIRAKOMOT # 1012.A wind up tinplate motorbike with driver. MADE in US-Zone Germany from 1952-65.. Very good condition. Wind up toy. A very nice bike to add to your collection of old motorcycles!.Size: L=5,2”"(13 cm) H= 3,5” (7,5 cm).This tin plate toy is working with clockwork.
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Delivery van from Greppert & Kelch,Germany.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Blechspielzeug: Autos, Schiffe, Motorräder, Flugzeuge
A wind up delivery van with driver from Greppert & Kelch,Germany from about 1915.The 2 rear doors to open.Very fine condition.L=14cm/5,5 inch.For further information see Ottenheimer, Toy Autos,p.100.
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