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Cast still Bank /building ca 1910
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Spardosen
Size 4 3/4” x W.3” Casted BRASS STILL BANK/ BUILDING of the famous Odd FELLOW BUILDING in Copenhagen, DENMARK. Excellent Original Condition-all over -could need polishing. (the white on the photos is only rests of polishing mixtures-no harm to the brass.Made ca 1910. Beautiful details of the building casted in the brass . It has the Bank name on the Front side . The Roof has the name of the "Odd Fellow Lodge" engraved.
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Sedan made by Lehman, Germany.
VerkauftKategorie: Antikes Blechspielzeug: Autos, Schiffe, Motorräder, Flugzeuge
5 1/2"/ 14 cm Sedan car made by Lehman, Germany in the 20ties. Very nice clean tinplate toy. No dent. Fine Litho.Clockwork
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Grödnertal rare dollhouse lady -large scale house!
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
7,5" (19 cm) From Grödnertal comes this wooden extremely rare dollhouse lady doll with a bun, who dates circa 1830-40 – Lovely face on a wooden articulated body. Dressed in her original long two piece dress made of silk and cotton and trimmed with fine lace.A fine doll for a large scale house.
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Hölzerner geschnitzter Puppenstuben-Junge aus dem Grödnertal. ca. 1820
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
Unwiderstehlich schöner, 10,5 cm großer, beweglicher Puppenstuben-Junge aus Grödnertaler Holzschnitzerei. Bemalte gelockte Haare in zwei verschiedenen Schattierungen. Der Junge hat ein ausgeprägt fein bemaltes und moduliertes Gesicht. Er wäre sehr gut geeignet für ein Puppenhaus im frühen Stil. Er trägt noch all seine Original-Kleider. Ein wirklicher Schatz für eine frühe antike Puppenstube. Keine Restauration. Alles original.
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Antique dollhouse Officer with molded "mutton chops".
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstuben-Puppen
14 cm is this Handsome dollhouse officer with a bisque head and nicely painted features, including molded hair and rare molded mutton chops. On a cloth body with bisque limbs and black painted boots. He is dressed in his great woolen uniform.
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RARE! Biedermeier vanity with built in Water Tank
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
5,5"RARE RARE! Biedermeier vanity with built in water tank ( made in Zink metal And working "water supply". I have only seen this once before. The stencilled boy on the barrel is so good and clear! Marble top very fine! Great condition!Waltershausen, Biedermeier, Boulle
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Rock and Graner tin Corner cabinet/ etagere
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
5" H. x 3,1" w. (12 cm) The Rock and Graner tin Corner cabinet/ etagere is very good and rare, too. Ca 1850.Lovely filigree work, shelves to show the dollhouse treasures. Mirrored back.The grain-painted tin is in lovely. The Condition is very good. Age spots to the mirror.Wonderful work from Biberach in Germany
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Rock and Graner parlor set
VerkauftKategorie: Antike Puppenstubenmöbel
A wonderful large scale Rock and Graner parlor set.A Large sofa , chair and footrest. The Sofa is W. 7,8 and H. 4. Velvet original upholstery. The grain- painting is wonderful and in good condition.on the Sofa and footrest are in excellent condition. The chair has some glue spot at the back near the pholstery.Biberrach ca 1850
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